We recently asked our LinkedIn audience how frequently they find themselves having to work with technology that doesn’t, well…work. 43% of our respondents said they encounter this problem every single day at work.

At Point North Networks, one of our major roles, when we partner with a local business, is to ensure their technology is up to date and that they have the best possible functionality and ability to scale. This is a priority to us because we know what effects outdated technology has on a business. Here is what we most often see as a result of old technology:

Decreased employee morale

When employees have to use equipment that is faulty or slow, it does not make them feel valued. They will begin to question whether they are valued at their company if the company cannot invest in setting them up for success with working technology. We prioritize listening closely to employees’ needs when it comes to being able to do their job effectively in order to make worthwhile recommendations on technology upgrades, while balancing the company’s budget needs.

Lost productivity

Just about anyone can attest to the experience of wasting an entire morning’s time dealing with technical difficulties instead of being able to do their jobs. Spending hours with customer support teams can be downright infuriating. At Point North Networks, we aim to prevent this from being a need in the first place. We keep this in mind when advising the businesses we work with about what technology they should invest in.

Not only can updated technology increase productivity, but think about the money saved when technology works just right. Replacing technology may seem like a large upfront cost, but it offers huge savings in the long run.

Not progressing

A business that does not keep up with the times does not survive. A company has to adapt to new technologies if it wants to keep up with its competitors. A smart IT partner will help you stay on track with or ahead of industry standards.

Contact Point North Networks today if it’s time for your business to update its technology.

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